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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It Does Not Matter What Color I Am.... Thank You Very Much!

This is my first time of ever doing "Blogger". I have kept up many blogs over the years and at one point or another I have given them up. Sometimes, real life just gets in the way. Don't we all have that problem of being so incredibly busy and rarely having time for ourselves? I know with myself I never really have time. Just since I started trying to write this about 15 minutes ago, my phone has rung 4 times. I know right?

Unfortunately, it has caused me to lose my train of thought and I can't even remember what I wanted to talk about. It seems I have been pretty scatter brained lately. I am so busy with school, work, kids, family activities, and the PTA I never have time for me anymore. Other PTA members always harass me about why I don't go to the PTA meetings.... How about because I don't really care what they have to say? I don't need to be made aware about gang issues... as if my small little village has any kind of gang! The most excitement we get is getting to see people fist fight. Which brings me to another point... The cops here racially profiled me and my daughter when we were just walking down the street. At first, I was like nooo they couldn't have done that because I'm white. You never hear about that kind of stuff happening to white people, but later after I thought about it I knew that was exactly what they did and you know I was PISSED!!

I was walking with my daughter down the street on the sidewalk in our neighborhood. It was starting to get dark and by the time we got back to our house it was dark. We were about to cross the street in the cross walk and my daughter says mommy a car! I said don't worry about it, we'll be across the street before the car gets here, WRONG! I was actually concerned the car was going to try to run us over because as soon as the car saw us you could hear the driver step on the gas and the car went VROOOOM! So then the car gets right up on us and a damn spotlight turns on blinding both me and my daughter. I turned around to look at the car and that's when I realized from the shape that it was a police car. The spotlight switched off and I proceeded to yell at the cop. I was mad. I guess really I should be grateful they are patrolling, but surely they could tell that A) I was not a teenager trying to cause trouble and B) I had my small child with me. I went home and told my husband and got angry about it too.

I don't care what color you are... the cops should never be allowed to drive up on you and blind you just because you are walking down the street literally minding your own business. What was even worse is the other day a group of black kids were walking down the street towards the gas station and the cops came out of nowhere and detained all of the kids for just walking down the street. Granted they were sort of walking in the road and it was unsafe and they should have been corrected for that, but not actually detained and taken anywhere in the back of the car. As soon as that damn cop realized that I was a white adult female they back pedaled quick. I am still considering writing city counsel and the chief of police, but I have a feeling that it wouldn't do a bit of good.

Okay so this blog started off about never having time for myself and ended up being about racial profiling. Next time, I will stay on topic. I just got side tracked and at the moment I have to go make, lunch, snacks, and make sure my kids are getting dressed like they are suppose to be... except I can hear them downstairs playing. So while it's cute, I have to go yell at them so that we can get to school on time!!

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