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Friday, June 4, 2010

Moral Waivers... Really?

I was in the Marine Corps. I sit back and I look at all the people from the Marine Corps and the majority of the time I step back. I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach. The best way I can describe it is to say it relates closely to hate. It isn't all of them, but it is the majority of them. They are always the same. Even though I am technically one of them; I am not one of them. I am proud I am not one of them.

Here's where ignorant people would say she's downing the military. Here is where I say, you're ignorant and you have no clue about things that really go on in the military. The military is not a place for women. Here's where the feminist will try to jump in my crawl. I still stand by what I said. Until they have been there and experienced it, to me, their opinions don't matter. How can you have an opinion on something that you've never experienced? That would be like saying I like pizza but then admitting you've never eaten pizza.

It isn't that women aren't capable of doing the jobs. It's that at the end of the day men are men. Some men are educated and refined while others are just incapable of turning those instincts off. Some men care, but the vast majority of the men in the military don't care and that's where the problem comes into play. Let's think about this logically for a minute; Why are these men going to be sensitive to women? They are trained to be rough, tough, and trained to be killers. How is one going to be able to flip the switch from killer to sensitive?

The military claims they have a high moral standard, but they don't. Has anyone ever heard of the "moral waiver" or "character waiver"? These waivers allow pretty much anyone to get in. Drug dealers, users, thieves, and even rapists. Please watch this new segment with Katie Couric to see about the "moral waiver" that allows this convicted felons to enter our military.

So to women thinking about joining the military, I have one thing to ask... Why? Why would you want to subject yourself to the dangers? You have a better chance of surviving combat than you do surviving the males.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I don't know if you're like me, but I am very skeptical of psychics. I will say this, I believe there are some real ones out there, but I believe the majority of them are fake. Now with that being said, I am going on to my story....

I have a friend who will not be mentioned. She went to go see a psychic recently. The psychic repeatedly asked her if she had a friend by my name. Here's where it gets creepy... My friend never talked about me to said psychic. Said psychic has never met my friend before. My friend obviously was not wearing anything with my name... had no pics of me... and so forth. My name is not a common name. In all my life, and I have lived all over the country, I have only met 3 other people with my name. My name is not common. Okay but that isn't the creepy part... she tells my friend 2 things very specific and detailed that when my friend told me it was all I could do to hold back the tears. I thought OMG how could she know that because I have not told ANYONE what I have been going through. As I have said many times before, I am a very private person and I never reveal personal things about myself... not even to my close friends. But then here is where it gets creepy...She tells my friend places I have lived in my life!!

Here is where my mind starts reeling... is it possible I know her? Is it possible she knows me? Maybe she googled me.... Who is this bitch?!!!

I can come up with no rational explanation. So I broke down and called her... I blocked my number and I said I'd like some info about a reading please. She said I have been waiting for you to call me ****** (Insert my name) Someone on the other side really needs to talk to you. Please send me your birthday and time you were born.

How? How do you explain this to me?!! How is this possible? I am a scientist at heart... how is this possible?!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Do You Have This?

So my husband randomly pointed out that I sleep on the wrong side of the bed. I was like no... no I don't. Then he said why do you always have to be closest to the door? He said every place we've ever lived, you have always had to be close by a door.

I had never thought about it at least not conscientiously, but after he mentioned it I realized that is true. Whenever I am in class I have to sit by the door. Whenever I am at home, I have to sleep on the side of the bed that is closer to the door. It doesn't matter which side it is... it just has to be by the door. No matter where I go I always make note of where the doors are and the closest paths of escape to these doors.

So I decided I would google to see what in the world was the root cause of needing to always be close to a door... it turns out there is a thing called agoraphobia... Apparently it has to do with a fear of not being able to escape.

Although I have not gotten to the root of this, I at least know what it is now. I have never thought of myself as having panic issues or anything like that... But according to the DSVM-IV it's classed as a panic disorder.

Is it possible this is a crock of hooey? Do we really need a label? I don't swing into full panic mode if I can't be by a door. It doesn't cause me severe distress, but if given the choice that's what I would prefer. Is it really any different than preferring the color pink over the color purple?

Seriously, if there is anyone out there that knows about this stuff please come enlighten me...

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I always question people's motives. There is always a reason why a person does a thing. Take for example... I really like shopping. But why do I like shopping? Because I have learned to associate it with being happy. I shop because I get something emotionally out of it.

When judging people's motives one always needs to look past the obvious and into the psychological realm. Well, obviously, you would need some psychology background in order to do this, but once you have it it is absolutely amazing! I can sit back and simply watch a person for a few minutes and I can tell you almost anything you need to know. I may not be able to tell you the specifics of their life, but I can tell you what their characteristics are. I can tell you what makes them tick.

I believe that this is the greatest weapon anyone can have. The ability to read a person and know what makes them tick.