In case you haven't heard about General Sinclair- he was recently court martialed for raping and inappropriately having sexual contact with subordinates. He entered a plea deal where he plead guilty to the lesser charges in exchange for a 20,000$ fine (which his wife deemed unfair never mind that her husband is a convicted rapist now)& he was "asked" to retire as in here so what if you are a convicted rapist let's still give you full benefits & a full pension too.
Which that ^ brings me to my next point... General Anderson. So, he let Sinclair off with the equivalent to a trip to the principal's office. Then Al-Jazeera America runs an exclusive on General Anderson. Guess what else he's been involved in?!
It has now come to light via audio recording that General Andrews has been retaliating against active duty soldiers for seeking help from civilian advocates who were fighting for the soldiers to get medical discharges instead of failure to adapt discharges. In other words, we know you are entitled to a severance package & a pension, but since we don't like that you didn't just go along with us we are going to make sure to stick it to you.
What General Andrews has done is morally reprehensible. He used his power & authority to enact revenge on soldiers for trying to ensure proper discharges. A severe pattern of misconduct & ethics violations, & conduct unbecoming of an officer.
General Andrews, you have put yourself on our map. I will be speaking with Senator Gillabrand, & Congresswoman Speier about you. It's going to be made public knowledge what all you have done. Don't think for a second you got away with it because you haven't. We are coming for your career next. You are a disgrace to this country & to the military & to the soldiers that are under your command. Thanks for letting your true character come through. Commanders & troops who mistakenly trust you & follow your commands are part of the problem & we will no longer tolerate soldiers like you. Zero tolerance means ZERO... not oh I'm a general I'll exclude myself & my friends from being accountable to the UCMJ & other applicable laws. Your career days are numbered. We do not forget & we do not forgive.
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