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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Thoughts and Confessions

I have to be ho nest, I rarely read articles about myself. When they get ready to cover me in the media, I usually avoid watching. I just always expect the responses to be negative just like the Marine Corps was.
A very good friend of mine who is also a very well known advocate told me that I really should read when they cover me. I've been thinking about it and then finally I did it.
I was completely shocked & amazed by article after article. People are genuinely Infuriated by what happened to me and how they treated me. They realize that if it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone.
The outrage & support has been amazing. I never expected .... never even crossed my mind that complete strangers would hear my story and fight for me. They took my voice and kicked me when I was down but then the public was on my side and it felt like justice was alive again. The morals I thought most had lost were back & for the first time in my life the public's voice had become louder than my commander and every other participant. All the times they put me down the public cried louder and it was in support of me. I am the girl next door. I am the All American kid who is going places that has potential... and it was cut short out of discrimination and gender hate and bias.
I can keep going because people like you support me. They help me prove my point. So to all the reports who helped me, thank you. It has still been a long hard road, but it's been made easier with your verbal support. ♡

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