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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Exactly How Much Power Should Commanders Have?

Every appearance I make, people say to me that Commanders need total control for the "good order of the unit". I have to be honest, I really want to ask those people 'what is wrong with you?'! Let's break this down barney style and think about it logically- Commanders have no law enforcement investigation experience. They aren't lawyers. They have absolutely no legal or investigative experience. Why on earth would anyone try to say Commanders should be the judge and jury for a criminal trial? If the person you loved got raped would you want the Commander "investigating" your case? I doubt it. If you need heart surgery, do you go to the foot doctor? What I want to know even more is why Commanders are even fighting to keep the ability to be judge and jury... Doesn't it make more sense to pass this to "Agency X" who does have the experienced investigators? That cuts the Commander off the hook for any disagreements or mess ups. That means s/he can get back to playing golf (unless POTUS is coming around) What kind of example is the brass setting for our junior Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers? They know that this behavior is wrong, but they see their leaders doing it but know they can't speak up either... for the same reason rape survivors can't come forward- retaliation. When is the brass going to get serious and admit they are wrong? No one asked for all of the Commander's power.. just to have felony crimes investigated and treated as what they are- violent crimes.

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